The Johnson will end 2007 with video works in all temporary
exhibition galleries, as well as in the lobby and on the façade, marking five
years of concentrated collecting in the area of video and continuing the
Museum’s commitment to video as a vital part of its program.
In the short history of video art, there have been two primary
modes of expression, “feedback” and “immersion.” Early closed-circuit video
feeds were used as an electronic mirror, instantaneously reflecting whatever
came into the camera’s gaze. More recently, there has been a shift as many
contemporary artists use a more cinematic, “immersion”–style approach in
installations with one or more projected images.
This exhibition considers the connections between these two
prevalent expressions in video from the last fifteen years, focusing on works
that have a significant relationship between sound and image, such as those by
Salla Tykkä and Jesper Just that make use of existing soundtracks, or Mircea
Cantor’s Deeparture that is purposefully silent. Within this treatment of sound
and image artists also address issues related to looking and the body, such as
the floating bodies in Janet Biggs’s Water Training, the stumbling body in Patty
Chang’s Losing Ground, and Janine Antoni’s balancing act in Touch, the last of
which will be projected onto the Museum’s façade.
Using examples of work by sixteen artists from around the
world, the exhibition will show that a response to the moving image can occur on
many sensory levels within both “feedback” and “immersion” practices; many of
the works try to break down the traditional opposition between viewer and viewed
by emphasizing a more inclusive interaction.
Other artists represented in the exhibition will include Burt
Barr, Johanna Billing, Slater Bradley, Amy Globus, Amy Jenkins, Mads Lynnerup,
Christian Marclay, Rodney McMillian, Anri Sala, and Saskia Olde Wolbers.
This project was realized in part with financial support from
the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam. The exhibition has been funded in part by
public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Additional support was provided by the the Fifth Floor Foundation,Consulate
General of the Netherlands in New York, Hermès, and the Cornell Council for the